Crowding of teeth lead to early tooth loss?
I always try to temper initial exams
when it comes to advising perspective patients of my services; sometimes I even
may preface what I recommend by telling borderline cases that we want to avoid
picking at everything slightly out of alignment just because I am an orthodontist.
Similar to a neck doctor that may always
see neck/back issues or a foot doctor that can always seem to find a foot
problem, I do not want to recommend treatment on every single case with just
the mildest of rotations or crowding and certainly if they are more concerned
about function and health and less so about esthetics.
That being said, there is an issue that
has been debated in multiple disciplines of dentistry that is a significant
consideration when making a decision to correct crowded teeth or leave them. Before we entertain this though Americans in
particular should realize that recent generations are keeping their teeth well
into their older years and this is a good thing. Our General Dentists have done a great job at
restoring damaged teeth, protecting developing teeth (fluoride and regular
cleanings) and keeping teeth that in the past may have been lost due to
fracture, infection or simple neglect.
With keeping the teeth longer, we now
have to focus on the supporting bone around the teeth; the gum tissue and
alveolar bone. Today, loss of teeth is mostly
from Periodontal disease (disease of the supporting tissue around teeth) which
is a bacterial infection of the gums that destroys bone and eventually causes
the loss of supporting tissue for teeth; forces from chewing then eventually
loosen the teeth to the point that the bone no longer can support the tooth or
teeth and they are lost. Of course there
is a more complex mechanism leading to the bone loss which is dependent on
types of bacteria and toxins released, but the idea can be summarized as an
infection of the gums. Clearly, as a
dental professional, one of our main goals is to prevent prevalence and
progression of Periodontal disease at every stage of patients’ lives in order
to maintain the teeth as long as possible.
One significant factor to Periodontal
disease can be crowding or spacing of teeth.
So do
crowded teeth cause Periodontal disease?
The answer is no; bacteria is the
primary cause of the disease. But the
real question is how does the bacteria become detrimental in specific areas and
What are the
ways crowded teeth can affect Periodontal Disease?
The most recent study in the AJO-DO explains
this best by concluding that certain positions of teeth or “traits” such as
incisor crowding provides “a poor environment for maintaining periodontal
health …. due to food retention and subsequent plaque accumulation. (1)”
Consider the crowding in the patient
here has completely blocked the surfaces of several teeth from being cleaned;
even with floss, cleaning these overlapped teeth is nearly impossible. Over time, it is highly likely these teeth
will be lost if not corrected.
correction you can see how the teeth can easily be cleaned and maintained.
as teeth cross over and crowd, the roots are drawn closer together leaving less
bone and supporting tissue between teeth.
This also can lead to more rapid progression of periodontal disease
between adjacent teeth. Soft tissue
becomes obliterated from a lack of space to develop and there is less
protection against bacteria between these teeth.
Finally, teeth
that are crowded can push other teeth out of the arch and out of the bone. This can lead very thin tissue on the outside
of the teeth leaving these teeth more susceptible to periodontal disease (see
the picture below).
Note in this patient how the severe crowding
has caused the canines to be pushed essentially out of the bone which has led
to recession of the gum tissue and loss of bone at the neck of these teeth.
How can
spacing between teeth affect Periodontal disease?
Spacing specifically between upper
incisors was also shown to contribute to Periodontal disease (2) by allowing
food to pack between teeth and leading to chronic inflammation and eventual
progression into periodontal disease and loss of bone.
This type
of spacing has been shown to lead to more rapid progression of periodontal
disease by allowing food to pack in between teeth.
correction, you can see how the area between front teeth is now protected from
impaction of food and can be easily cleaned.
What can you
do to make sure your teeth are not at risk of Periodontal disease from crowding?
Clearly the
only way to reduce or eliminate this risk is to align teeth that are moderately
crowded. Research has shown that the
areas of the dentition most at risk from crowding are the upper and lower incisors
(2). When these incisors are crowded or overlapped, pockets are created that
are not easily cleaned and although daily and meticulous flossing should
theoretically prevent plaque formation in these areas, all too often we are not
effective enough in our oral hygiene to fully clean these areas.
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Prior to Correction with braces. |
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